Picture of Me!

Hey! I'm Ammar Sidhu 👋

I'm a Data Scientist with a strong background in leveraging statistical and geospatial techniques to solve data problems across various domains.

This is my technology stack

Google Earth Engine
Jupyter Notebooks

Here are some of my projects

  • Employee Salary Prediction

    Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn

    Created a regression model with MSE score of 355 on employee salary data given their corresponding qualifications and role descriptions to help employers/recruiters determine suitable salaries for potential candidates.

  • Hamilton House Price Prediction

    Scikit-Learn, GeoPandas, PySal, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn

    Created a tool that estimates house prices (MSE ~ $57070.99, R^2 ~ 0.805) to help predict house prices by census tract in the city of Hamilton, ON. Created a spatial regression tool that estimates house prices (R^2 ~ 0.8548, MSE ~ 0.02 on Log transformed data) based on the location of census tracts in Hamilton, ON.

  • Nuclear Bomb Deployment Classifier

    Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn

    Created a multiclass classification model with 92% accuracy using imbalanced classification techniques on nuclear bomb explosions data to help third-party inspectors determine the deployment method of a given nuclear bomb.